Ramsden Lawyers

Ramsden Lawyers

Ramsden Lawyers was founded by John Ramsden in 2003 on the Gold Coast. It didn’t take long before we were established as one of the leading commercial and property law firms.

Ever since its inception, Ramsden Lawyers took it upon itself to always provide a fresh and progressive approach in the delivery of its service. Whilst being highly specialised in commercial law, we fast developed niche specialties in the streams of insolvency, business migration, intellectual property, commercial litigation, and more recently corporate services.

In 2012, Ramsden Lawyers welcomed the establishment of its family law section, that in rapid succession has become one of the largest and best recognised family law sections in Queensland. With the ability to call upon the depth of expertise from the various commercial divisions of the firm, the family law section of Ramsden Lawyers has many advantages over its competitors who practice solely in the area of family law.

In 2014, Ramsden Lawyers established a corporate law division within our commercial law group. Since then, we have been involved in a number of IPOs, roll-ups, fundraisers and client engagements for ongoing corporate compliance and governance. We can genuinely say that we are the leader in corporate law on the Gold Coast.

Ramsden Lawyers still takes great pride in being innovators in the delivery of legal services, and continues to be energised to continue developing and improving its service and maintain the status as the leading law firm on the Gold Coast.

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