Roslyn Sutton

Roslyn Sutton

Owner Sutton’s Juice Factory & Cidery 13 kilometres north of Stanthorpe

The business has grown from a traditional apple orchard to a multi-faceted boutique business incorporating a juice factory, cidery, distillary pick your own apples and tourism hub – the Shed Café – serving aurgaurably the best Apple Pie in the region.

In the 21 years since Roslyn with her husband David. bought a traditional apple and stone fruit orchard they have developed the business by moving from a traditional orchard model that relied in selling produce through the supermarkets to growing raspberries and blackberries and selling their fruit and value added products (varietal apple juice, apple cider, apple cider vinegar and preserves), at farmers markets in South East Queensland. In 2004 they opened the orchard to the public selling value added products from the apple shed and giving customers the pleasure of picking their own fresh apples from the trees.

Seven years ago, they added the highly reviewed and very popular Sutton’s Shed Café creating a well rounded experience for tourists and locals alike, with the opportunity to visit a working orchard, pick produce, taste and buy value added products in the apple shed shop and then enjoy dining in the Shed Café, which uses apples in almost every dish. Sutton’s today is a leading tourism outlet in the Stanthorpe district, famous for its authenticity, apple pie and genuine orchard experience, with Roslyn and David leading the way on how primary producers can value add to their traditional farming business.

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